Thursday, 15 December 2016

Glossary Unit 2


Appear: perfom or speak where you are seen by a lot of people.
Claim: say something is true although you might not be able to prove it.
Convince: succeed in making somebody believe something.
Promote: tell people about a service or product to make it popular.
Recommend: say something is good or useful.
Slogan: a catch phrase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a product or company.
Purchase: buy.
Supply: to provide with resources the shops.
Refund: to carry back to the shop the products that you had bought.
Bid: give money in the auctions.
Slot: means an amount of time that someone can have during something.
Media: TV, radio newspaper and internet.
Inform: to tell people about a service or a product.
Advertisment: publicity.
Broadcast: to transmit something in a media.
Bargain: when a product is cheaper than usually.
Charge: when you buy something and the shop sends the cost to your bank account.
Terraced: following houses.
Detached: individual houses.
Semi-detached: two houses together that are like only one.
Furniture: large movable equipment that we use in our houses such as a table.
To move in: to go to live to other house.
Drop: something cheap.
Sew: the action of fix broken clothes or things of cloth.
Brick: blocks that we normally use to build houses.
Six-bedroomed: houses with six bredooms.

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