Thursday, 15 December 2016

My self-assessment:

I'm sure I have improved my english, I mean, doing some funny projects and watching some videos, etc. is a better way to tesch english, and now I can perfectly understand all the lyrics of a song without looking at it.
I do really like the environment and the proyects we make, and I think working in groups is one of my strenghts, because I don't really like doing something alone.
I studied more than the last year and that's good for me, I'm not confused about anything and I don't need help with anything.
I talked to my friends from different countries in english (from Italy, Netherlands...)
I really need to improve my speaking in class and I really need to participate more.
I learnt about Arizona and how they live there.

Glossary Unit 2


Appear: perfom or speak where you are seen by a lot of people.
Claim: say something is true although you might not be able to prove it.
Convince: succeed in making somebody believe something.
Promote: tell people about a service or product to make it popular.
Recommend: say something is good or useful.
Slogan: a catch phrase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a product or company.
Purchase: buy.
Supply: to provide with resources the shops.
Refund: to carry back to the shop the products that you had bought.
Bid: give money in the auctions.
Slot: means an amount of time that someone can have during something.
Media: TV, radio newspaper and internet.
Inform: to tell people about a service or a product.
Advertisment: publicity.
Broadcast: to transmit something in a media.
Bargain: when a product is cheaper than usually.
Charge: when you buy something and the shop sends the cost to your bank account.
Terraced: following houses.
Detached: individual houses.
Semi-detached: two houses together that are like only one.
Furniture: large movable equipment that we use in our houses such as a table.
To move in: to go to live to other house.
Drop: something cheap.
Sew: the action of fix broken clothes or things of cloth.
Brick: blocks that we normally use to build houses.
Six-bedroomed: houses with six bredooms.

Animated GIF!

Here is my animated GIF. I decided to make it colorful and I tried to represent us with hearts and the british flag. ;)

Monday, 28 November 2016

My Physical Education exercises

Exercise 1: Find out the principle of transference and describe it.

Is the dependency of human conduct, learning or performance on prior experience. Today, transfer of learning is usually described ar the process and the effective extent to which past experiences affect learning and performance in a new situation.

Exercise 2: Give me an example of each training principles:

1.- Principle of effective charge: A beginner has less level of training than a trained athlete, so while the beginner needs to work between 40% and 50% of their maximun, the trained athlete just needs to work between 70% and 80%.

2.- Principle of progression of the load: When you start training, you fix an exercise routine, but it has to be modificated or your body will get adapted to the exercise. For example, if you start doing 10 bends and you just keep doing 10 every day you body finally gets adapted, so, what you may do is adding 5 or 10 by day.

3.- Principle of variety: training requires a lot of hours of work, but doing the same exercise every day can be boring and monotonous. You can alternate between different sports, for example, the first day you go swimming (very good for your back), next day you go runnning, next you go skiing... It will be better if you also change the environment by going to the snow or going to the sea.

4.- Principle of optimal relationship between load and recovery: you have to equilibrate work and rest while doing exercise. For example, if you run for 30 minutes, you can rest for 10 minutes by walking.

5.- The principle of repetition and continuity: the person who starts to work out has to do it 4 or 5 days per week, having 2 or 3 days for rest (it's better if the person alternates work and rest, trying not to rest in two successive days).

6.- Reverse action principle: you can lose what you have improved by just being inactive for one or two weeks, so even if you are having holidays, try to make different activities to not lose your training levels.

7.- The principle of periodization > examples of:

    -Microcycles: running half an hour per day for a week.
    -Mesocycles: the same but during a month.
    -Macrocycles: the same, maybe improving the time and making it part of your routine.

8.- The principle of individuality: a healthy person can do more exercises than an unhealthy person, also depending on the age, gender, fitness level...

9.- The principle of specialization/multilateralism: for example if you really like basketball, it's not necessary to go swimming, it's better to improve the stamina and the speed by running and practising.

Clarisa's text messages!

Idk: I don't know
Idc: I don't care
Asap: As soon as possible
Gtg: got to go
Ttyl: talk to you later
Bc: because
U2: You too
Ilysm: I love you so much
Bf/Gf: boyfriend/girlfriend
Bfn: bye for now
Rn: right now
Np: no problem
Jk: just kidding
Btw: by the way
Ofc: of course
Ty: thank you
Brb: be right back.

Glossary Unit 1


Cruel: who makes pain to others
Truthful: who is always honest
Sympathetic: who understands and care about someone else' suffering
Hypocritical: false people
Dependable: who you can have confidence in
Eager: who wants to do or have something, specially something interesting
Optimistic: who makes you feel that what you are doing is going to be good
Outgoing: who is friendly and energetic
Supportive: who shows agreement and gives encouragement
Bully: someone who hurts or frightens people
Victim: the person who suffers
Star: the most popular
Founder: a person who founds something


Be used to: "I'm used to walking my dog before dinner."
Get used to: "She's getting used to japanese food."
Used to: "I used to go to the cinema with my parents, but now I don't."


Get better: to improve
Get permission: to receive
Get involved: to be implicated in something.
Get the feeling: have the sensation
Get things done: finish something

Make the most of: to use or enjoy something as much as possible
Make an effort: to do something even though you don't want to or you find it difficult
Make a difference: to do something different from the rest
Make an impression: to make other people admire and notice you

Glossary Unit 0


Quill: a pen that is made from a feather
Police: enforce the law
Forward: desire
Flipped teacher: new way in education using technology
Entirely: totally
Take ages: a long time
Parcel: box
Bleach: cleaning product
Proud: like yourself
Victim: injured

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

A new but last year!

My last year here. Ah... I'm really glad to be here. It means that I've reached some of my goals so, I'll do my best to reach ALL of them this year!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Vocabulary unit 4


amusing = divertido

annoying = molesto

confusing = confuso

embarrasing= embarazoso,a

fascinating = fascinante

frightening = espantoso

inspiring = inspirador

irritating = irritante

motivating = motivador

relaxing = relajante

upsetting = triste

worrying = preocupado


burst out laughing = echarse a reír

gap = hueco, espacio

gesture = gesto, expresión

misunderstanding = malentendido

nod your head = asentir con la cabeza

shake your head = negar con la cabeza


browse = echar un vistazo

charge = cargar

plug in = conectar, enchufar  

press = pulsar

scroll = deslizar (hacia arriba o abajo)

stream = transmitir

swipe = golpear

switch off = apagar

switch on = encender

tap = golpe rápido

text = enviar mensajes

unplug = desenchufar, desconectar

update = actualizar


express = expresar

hit = golpear

invite = invitar

spread news = difundir noticias

squeeze = apretar

warn = advertir


exciting = emocionante

excited = entusiasmado

frightened = asustado

frightening = terrorífico

irritated = enfadado, irritado

irritating= irritante

Vocabulary unit 3

afford = permitir

bargain = chollo

be worth = compensar

borrow = pedir prestado

brand = marca

cost = coste

discount = descuento

shop online = comprar online

waste = malgastar

archery = tiro con arco

athletics = atletismo

catch up = alcanzar

join in = unir(se) a

kayaking = piragüismo

miss out = perderse algo

pick up = recoger

rock climbing = escalada

take up =retomar

trail biking = motocross 

try out = probar

wakeboarding = esquí acuático

customer = cliente

deparment store = almacén

fraction = fracción

gloves = guantes

half-price = a mitad de precio

shop owner = dueño de la tienda

souvenir = recuerdo

sports gear = equipación deportiva

lend = prestar

sale = rebaja(s)

save up = ahorrar